ON Monday was my first 414 lab(that's Sheep and Goat Productions for those wondering). The only thing I have wanted to do in that class is ultrasound, and guess what we did on the very first day of lab. WOOHOO! It was so much fun!!! I got to ultrasound 3 sheep for pregnancy and found the little tykes right off with little to no guidance from the TA. The only one he helped me with was a ewe that was so far along in her term you could only make out one giant placentome, the area of fetal/maternal blood, waste and gas exchange. I was thoroughly impressed with myself.

Anyways, the rest of the week has been fairly uneventful. I finalized my 481 seminar topic which will be Osteochondrosis: Developmental Orthopedic Disease In Horses- Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. The reason behind choosing this topic is because Hayley, my rescued Thoroughbred mare at home(and pictured above), suffers from this in both front legs. Since I am completely petrified by giving presentations, I'm hoping that having the link to home and being able to talk my first few minutes about her story will ease my jitters so I can successfully finish the rest of the presentation. Maybe, just maybe, this grand plan will work.
I'm headed home to Fort Worth this weekend for a wedding for one of my practically brothers, Louis. Kev was supposed to be joining me until we got the news the wedding was at 7pm...on Sunday evening. I have an 8am class on Monday morning...and he has a 9am class. So it just didn't work out for him to come. I will put myself through the all night drive back to College Station and going to class on little to no sleep, but there is no sense in making him do it too. On the brightside, the dress I have for the wedding is so pretty. I love it! Pictures to come, of course.
Since the papers from all my classes have finally done their job of practically drowning me, I must get to working on them before going to work.
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