The Fall semester brings a part of the year I will forever hold dear. Bonfire. It's a sticky subject for some, but for those that participate in Student Bonfire, it is a family of amazing people who all come together, putting aside differences and rivalries, to build a magnificent structure. Blood, sweat and tears go into 3 months of building the 5 tier bonfire which burns a few days before the Thanksgiving football game between Texas A&M and the University of Texas.
I am a part of Dunn Hall, a previously all male dorm on southside which recently changed to co-ed about 3 years ago. This is my family away from home and will be a group of life long friends.
This is also how I met my most wonderful boyfriend, Kevin. In true Bonfire style, our first date was burn night and it was amazing!
During the 'cut' part of the season, Dunn was put in charge of stack site and unloading and organizing all of the logs coming in from cut site. In previous years this job was normally given to a dorm as punishment, and though that may have been the original intentions of the upper leadership, we quickly made it into our own domain and renamed it 'Dunnload.' We unloaded and sorted during every type of weather condition, including the non-expected flood of mid-September.
This year the upper leadership decided to bring back the true 'push week' during stack which means instead of just working from 6pm-midnight, we had two crews alternate between a 6pm-midnight shift and a midnight-6am shift. This was an incredible experience, though extremely taxing on the body and immune system.
-A Misty Morning At Unload-
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