I tired to do the entire year at once, but I haven't figured this site out completely and for some reason I can't get another picture to load, So, I'll break it up a little. That will make it seem like I have done more too....I'm pure genius, I know. :-)
1. January 6, 2009 - I got my first, and hopefully only, tattoo in memory of my brother, Mark. The tri-horse design is a celtic symbol Mark used to always wear. After removing the intricate knot-work I had the tattoo put above my left ankle. Mark's initials are 'branded' on each of the horses. It was simply done and matches what I wanted it to represent perfectly. I had a great support group including Mark K, Chris C, Sean and, of course, my best friend Amber.

2. Spring Break 2009 (March) - 9 of my most amazing friends and I packed up and headed to New Mexico for some skiing/snowboarding fun at Sipapu and Taos. It was the 1st trip I had ever taken with a group of friends and turned out to be a very memorable one. From left to right: Kevin, Funke, Anna, Chris, Katie, Me, Corbin, Reimers and Jr.

3. April 2009 - The Dunn Hall group volunteered for Big Event, which is an annual area wide volunteer day Texas A&M hosts. It is the largest organized volunteer day in the nation, so it was really cool to be a part of it. We helped a young couple finish a garden they had been working on for almost a year. The wife was 8 1/2 months pregnant and they really wanted the garden finished before the baby came. Well, we did it, because we are awesome. From left to right: Andrew E, Katie, Kelsey, Alli, Cody, Christina, Jr(behind cody and christina), Daniel, Kevin, Funke, Sean, Me.

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