If you are wondering why Sheep and Goat Management the answer is simple. The class counted for 2 different courses I needed to be able to walk the stage in May...anything to spend less money, right? I have no interest in sheep or goats, but I am looking forward to a couple of opportunities this class may have to offer. See, with those two species, ultrasound is used for almost every type of diagnostic because it is quick and easy...and can be used outside the body (if you have ever worked with horses or cows, you'll understand the significance of working on the outside of the animal...) I have always been fascinated with x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc etc, so maybe I'll be able to try out the ultrasound machine. The Animal Science department here at TAMU is very hands on and very willing to let the students try just about anything they want to in lab...which makes the classes fun and a tad awkward at times.

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