Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Diet and Exercise...or Exercise and Exercise....

I'm still doing pretty good on my exercise program. My weight has been consistant because I pretty much refuse to 'diet,' but the workouts are getting easier so I know I have started to gain some muscle.

Now, let me first say I have tried to do the whole diet thing. Not literal diet, but at least watching what I eat rather then eating everything that crossed my path. The problem I run in to when I do this is I end up not taking in nearly enough calories and then crashing about mid-way through the day. So, I ditched that plan and just eat what my body tells me to and continue to work out 5-6 times a week.

I have started to hit a speed bump in my workout problem though. I sustained two injuries during the ski trip our group went on over Christmas break, one of which was some cracked/bruised ribs. I started working out not two weeks after returning from the trip and now I'm so far into my workout routine that if I stop, I will loose some major ground. Unfortunately, I never gave my ribs an adequate amount of time to heal properly, so I'm still having to deal with an amount of discomfort. It's not keeping me from my workouts, but it definitely gives me a constant reminder that it hasn't healed all the way. Swimming, on the other hand, has been moved to the back burner for the time being since I can't really fully expand or stretch out my rib cage.

And...now I'm going to sleep.

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