For our annual spring break trip we decided to trade our snowboards in for swimsuits and head to Possum Kingdom Lake for a few days of fun in the sun. Luckily we were there during the warmer part of the week. The day we left a cold front came through and drop more snow on the ground.

For the most part we just chilled out, played a ton of Spades and 42, and drank....a lot. On Thursday afternoon we had access to a boat which we almost managed to sink about 15 minutes after getting on it. I felt like I was on the Titanic...it was kind of crazy. After we adjusted our weight distribution we headed to see Hell's Gate and then went some of the other cliffs to do some cliff diving. At first Rowdy was the only one daring enough to do it, but then a few of us got up the courage to try it out. Katie and I went of a smaller cliff, about 20 feet, and the guys went off a slightly larger one, about 30 feet. It was absolutely amazing, despite the 40 degree water.

Since we decided to stay an extra night to let the guys driving back to Houston and San Antonio recover and rest up, we had to pack up and leave pretty early in the morning. The early departure did give us a chance to get a last look at the beautiful, calm lake..and skip a few rocks.

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