The holiday hit me a little harder than I thought it would, as it was the first time I was not able to make it home for any piece of the break...wait, break? What am I saying? I didn't have any sort of break, actually, because I worked Thursday(yeah, that's right, Thursday. Its bullshit, I know.), Friday, Saturday and Sunday...and also Monday, but that isn't here yet.
Anyways, having to work over a holiday made me more determined then ever to not be in the same place I am now next year. I love my family way to much to be away from them like this again.
There were two things to be Thankful for though.
1st: Kevin and I have officially been dating a year, on Thanksgiving Day. And I love him more then ever. I was, and still am, sad I was not able to go and see him and his family on Thursday, but, since I can't go home for Christmas Day, they have so graciously invited me to their house, and I am so greatful for that.
2nd: Good friends which turned a crappy holiday into a better one with a wonderful dinner which finished cooking at 11:30pm and an epic game of Cranium lasting well into the night. Thanks Christina, Jentri, Jauron and Aaron. It may have been a late dinner, but, damn it, we had a Thanksgiving!