I'm secluded in Nemo, Texas. So, in conclusion, I was trying to write this super meaningful paragraph about things that I miss and why i missed them, but you see how far that got. So here is a list, because lists are very grown up.
As of right now, I Miss...(the first few are no-brainers)
1. Kevin, of course, that's a given.
2. Hanging out with my sister, walt and the girls...and my mom and dad and luke
3. being with friends and playing 42 at the chicken
4. riding Mulligan without a care in the world
5. being able to 'sleep til i wake up'
6. the smell of the barns at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds at Nationals
7. the roar of Kyle Field when A&M scores a touchdown
8. a comfortable bed
9. quietness
10. teaching lessons, believe it or not
11. snowboarding
12. good cell phone reception
13. normal music
14. Bailey
15. taking students to shows/competitions
16. being in New York with Luke and Andrea
17. sleeping without waking up every hour
but mostly, right now, i think i miss the feeling that I have made a difference in someones life.
This summer has been a strange one, full of mixed emotions. Don't get me wrong, I have really enjoyed being a lifeguard and the duties involved with it, but I really miss the teaching aspect of camp. I miss the horses too.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
computer revived
For the time being, my computer has decided to work again.
So, here are some pictures from camp...just a couple to give you guys an idea of what I'm doing...kinda.
During the week we have Secret Pals and mine got me this wicked awesome little bow and arrow set. I spent the entire day on Friday shooting things, and people. Best Friday Ever.

Team Lifeguard...We are what we are, don't judge. From L to R: Me, Erin, Sydney

For my Birthday last weekend, a big group of us went to Six Flags. It was mostly people from College Station, but a few from camp came as well. From L to R: Erin, Megan, Sydney, and me.
Team Tuesday! Since I'm the only person from Aggieland I decided to get a little extra help on Team Tuesday by raising the T Star Aggie flag in the staff unit...hehehe...i'm awesome.
Always "happy" at camp.
Erin and I re-enacting Romeo and Juliet during staff week.
So, here are some pictures from camp...just a couple to give you guys an idea of what I'm doing...kinda.
During the week we have Secret Pals and mine got me this wicked awesome little bow and arrow set. I spent the entire day on Friday shooting things, and people. Best Friday Ever.

Team Lifeguard...We are what we are, don't judge. From L to R: Me, Erin, Sydney

For my Birthday last weekend, a big group of us went to Six Flags. It was mostly people from College Station, but a few from camp came as well. From L to R: Erin, Megan, Sydney, and me.

Friday, July 2, 2010
So much to talk about
So much has happened in the last month. One thing that hasn't happened though is getting a job, other than the camp position i have at the moment. But, on the list of things that have happened is:
1. Becoming a certified Lifeguard
1. Becoming a certified Lifeguard
2. Turning 24...woohoo?
3. having a dead computer
There's more, but thats the general idea. So, as of now, I don't have a computer. Lame.
On the up side, I do finally have post-grad pictures!
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