There are so many things about Texas A&M that I love. The tradition, people, rivalries, atmosphere, but most of all, the respect we have not only for our fellow students but also other Universities.
The University of Texas in Austin is our #1 rival, which I have always thought was kind of funny because they do not share the same thoughts. Let me clarify, they don't like us, but the don't like OU even more. Now, I will be the first to admit that we are not normally a "threat" on the athletic board, but we still get pumped up and claim to Beat the Hell Outta whoever we can. So, on game day we are always there to win, even if the odds are not even close to being in our favor.
Since you have a little background, I will continue with my original reason for the post.
Rewind back to Thanksgiving Day 2009. Aggie football brings us the biggest game of our season. The only game we revolve around. The crowd is close to record breaking and completely deafening. There is truly nothing like an Aggie home game, and not much could contend with the noise made when that home game is against TU. But, when an injury occurs, Silence. If there is anything more bone chilling then hearing a stadium or 85,000+ people go silent, especially when the injury involves a player on the other team, I don't know what it is. Kyle Field was dead silent for almost 10 minutes as a team of trainers worked to stabilize UTs injured player. Oddly, the only noise made was a group of UT fans who started chanting some stupid UT yell, and it was us Ags who told them to shut up. Interesting how the school can't even give their own player the respect of staying quiet. As soon as the player was taken off the field, The noise started again, but for those 10 minutes the silence made me grateful for the school in which I attend.
Now, to the present. Once again, Aggies host UT, this time in Basketball. UT overtook us earlier in the year so this was a chance for us to redeem ourselves. Last 2 minutes of the game our star point guard and a Longhorn player collide. Both injured on the ground, and again, Silence. Reed Arena was packed with almost 14,000 people, the largest crowd in Texas A&M basketball history. There was no laughing, no joking, only silence. In the end, the UT player was taken off the court on a stretcher with a neck injury, but it was during the silence, once again, that I remembered why I love this school. Our respectfulness did not go un-noticed, ESPN was televising the game and commented multiple times on how quiet the arena was after being so crazy before the injury.
Obviously, this is not the only reason why I love being here, but it's a great added bonus. Oh, and we won the basketball game...Whoop!
Go Ags.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I'm Such a SLACKER
I haven't blogged in forever...oops. It got kind of crazy with my ansc 481 paper due this last thursday. But, now it's done and I don't have to worry about it!!! Woohoo!!!
Next step is presenting my topic, which still freaks me out a little, but I'm starting to become more okay with the idea. I think I really just want it to be over with so I can be completely done with the class. Soon enough, soon enough.
Other than that...I put my 2 weeks notice in at American Eagle. It felt good...liberating... I will be officially off their schedule in time for spring break.
For spring break, our group of awesome peps will be going to Possum Kingdom Lake for a few days of amazing fun! We are all really excited to pull out the bathing suits, rather than the ski clothes. It should be a good time.
Until next time...
Next step is presenting my topic, which still freaks me out a little, but I'm starting to become more okay with the idea. I think I really just want it to be over with so I can be completely done with the class. Soon enough, soon enough.
Other than that...I put my 2 weeks notice in at American Eagle. It felt good...liberating... I will be officially off their schedule in time for spring break.
For spring break, our group of awesome peps will be going to Possum Kingdom Lake for a few days of amazing fun! We are all really excited to pull out the bathing suits, rather than the ski clothes. It should be a good time.
Until next time...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
E-Mail Christmas
When any college student opens their email in the mornings, or before classes start, we are all looking for the same thing. For instance, the Subject lines stating: [Spring '10 ENGL301576] Class on (2/11/2010) or [Spring '10 ANSC481504] Reminder: No ANSC 481 today. Though these are always great emails to get, they are even better when they come on nasty, cold, rainy, today. 
Thank you Email Santa Clause for canceling BOTH of my classes for the day. You rock.

Thank you Email Santa Clause for canceling BOTH of my classes for the day. You rock.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Louis' Wedding
I forgot to post pictures from Louis' wedding. I don't have many, just a couple of me and some of the guys.
The wedding was beautiful. Ceremony was short and sweet. It was great to be able to see the 'gang' again and they all look so spiffy when they are all dressed up. Sadly, until I get married, they probably won't look like that again. lol.
-Donnie and Alex-
Diet and Exercise...or Exercise and Exercise....
I'm still doing pretty good on my exercise program. My weight has been consistant because I pretty much refuse to 'diet,' but the workouts are getting easier so I know I have started to gain some muscle.
Now, let me first say I have tried to do the whole diet thing. Not literal diet, but at least watching what I eat rather then eating everything that crossed my path. The problem I run in to when I do this is I end up not taking in nearly enough calories and then crashing about mid-way through the day. So, I ditched that plan and just eat what my body tells me to and continue to work out 5-6 times a week.
I have started to hit a speed bump in my workout problem though. I sustained two injuries during the ski trip our group went on over Christmas break, one of which was some cracked/bruised ribs. I started working out not two weeks after returning from the trip and now I'm so far into my workout routine that if I stop, I will loose some major ground. Unfortunately, I never gave my ribs an adequate amount of time to heal properly, so I'm still having to deal with an amount of discomfort. It's not keeping me from my workouts, but it definitely gives me a constant reminder that it hasn't healed all the way. Swimming, on the other hand, has been moved to the back burner for the time being since I can't really fully expand or stretch out my rib cage. I'm going to sleep.
Now, let me first say I have tried to do the whole diet thing. Not literal diet, but at least watching what I eat rather then eating everything that crossed my path. The problem I run in to when I do this is I end up not taking in nearly enough calories and then crashing about mid-way through the day. So, I ditched that plan and just eat what my body tells me to and continue to work out 5-6 times a week.
I have started to hit a speed bump in my workout problem though. I sustained two injuries during the ski trip our group went on over Christmas break, one of which was some cracked/bruised ribs. I started working out not two weeks after returning from the trip and now I'm so far into my workout routine that if I stop, I will loose some major ground. Unfortunately, I never gave my ribs an adequate amount of time to heal properly, so I'm still having to deal with an amount of discomfort. It's not keeping me from my workouts, but it definitely gives me a constant reminder that it hasn't healed all the way. Swimming, on the other hand, has been moved to the back burner for the time being since I can't really fully expand or stretch out my rib cage. I'm going to sleep.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Withdraw...of the Equine kind
I'm in major horse withdraw. Times like these are when I start looking for my next new prospect which has landed me drooling over this stunning Morgan Colt. One day I will not just have to stare and wish I had such a beautiful piece of horse flesh, I'll be able to hook up the damn trailer and go get him! My friend, Emily, said it right: "That boy is gonna be a Heartbreaker!"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Welcome to the Real World....
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